By applying a microscope, we are able to treat every dental detail which upgrades the quality of a treatment and the ability to treat dental issues that would have been missed with only eye detection (e.g. root canal treatment).
By applying a microscope, we are able to treat every dental detail which upgrades the quality of a treatment and the ability to treat dental issues that would have been missed with only eye detection (e.g. root canal treatment).
CONE BEAM CT - computed tomography, allows us to display an accurate, three-dimensional (3D) imaging of hard and soft tissue structures with the best diagnosis. It has high clinical applications in the field of surgery (e.g. impacted eighth teeth, tooth autotransplantation), implantology, microscopic endodontics and orthodontics.
We can say goodbye to traditional methods using traditional impression material. We are equipped with revolutionary digital scanners 3shape Trios Wireless and iTERO Element, new equipment which enables us to create a detailed 3D model of your teeth without using impression material.
Are your afraid of pain? Every treatment is performed on local anaesthetic. We offer our patients analgosedation as an additional service with the effect of lower consciousness and pain reduction.
Invisalign is a comfortable and modern method of teeth alignment. You will reach the smile you have always dreamed of. Millions of people can transform their lives with our removable, near-invisible aligners.
Are you not happy with your smile? Do you want to change anything but not sure what to do? Are you afraid of bad dental treatment results? You do not have to worry about bad results due to our DSD method.
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